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$6.99 is the shipping and handeling and the fushigi ball it's self costs $19.99

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Q: How much is shipping and handling for the fushigi ball?
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$19.95 plus $5.95 shipping and handling

What year was the fushigi ball invented?

The Fushigi ball was popularized in 2011 as an illusion toy. It is essentially a clear ball that creates the illusion of floating and moving on its own. The concept of contact juggling, which involves manipulating a ball to create the illusion of it moving on its own, has been around for much longer, but Fushigi specifically became popular in 2011.

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How much does glow in the dark fushigi ball weigh?

A standard glow-in-the-dark Fushigi ball typically weighs around 0.3 to 0.5 pounds, or approximately 136 to 227 grams.

How much does shipping and handling cost?

it usually depends on what you are buying but most items shipping and handling will cost around $3.00.

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$19.99 + shipping and handling (I don't know how much shipping & handling is.)* I just saw the commercial, and it said shipping and handling was $8.99. So, the total price is $28.98.

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Under $10.00 usually.

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It's $5.95 for anywhere in the US.

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$35.99 (plus tax and shipping and handling

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it will coast 4.97 at walmart

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Depends on the shipper/handler

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It might cost about $60 + shipping and handling.