Faraday showed hiow to do this in his Law: dB/dt = - DelxEv. A generator creates a changing magnet field and this induces an electric field in a circuit coupled to the changing magnetic.field. Hydroelectric plants use falling water to create the changing mag field.
Motion energy can be converted into other forms of energy through processes like friction, such as when a moving object slows down and generates heat. Another way is through a conversion to electrical energy, such as in a generator that converts the kinetic energy of moving water into electricity.
An electric generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. When the generator's motion rotates the magnetic field around conductive coils, it induces a flow of electrons, creating an electric current. This current is the electricity produced by the generator.
Generator can transform mechanical energy into electrical energy by converting the rotational motion of its turbine into electrical current through electromagnetic induction.
An example of kinetic energy being transformed into electrical energy is when a wind turbine is in motion due to wind. The kinetic energy of the moving blades is converted into electrical energy through a generator attached to the turbine, producing electricity.
Mechanical energy is sum of the GPE the energy related to position and EPE the elastic energy related to position and the KE the energy related to motion and it is converted to heat energy and you can convert ME to electrical energy A generator is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. A motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.
A device that converts motion energy into electrical energy is called a generator. Generators are commonly used to produce electricity in power plants, wind turbines, and other applications where mechanical energy needs to be converted into electrical energy.
In an electric motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy to produce motion. In a generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by rotating a coil within a magnetic field. Essentially, electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, while generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
dynamo or generator
A generator.
A windmill undergoes a transformation of energy from kinetic energy in the wind to mechanical energy in the motion of its blades. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy through a generator connected to the windmill.
Kinetic energy from the wind is transferred to the turbine blades, causing them to spin. The spinning motion of the blades is then converted into electrical energy by a generator, which produces electricity.
In a generator, mechanical energy (from a turbine or engine) is converted into electrical energy. This transformation occurs through the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, where the motion of a conductor within a magnetic field induces the flow of electrons, generating electricity.