The Bugatti Veyron has a total of ten radiators.
The Bugatti Veyron has 10 radiators.
The Bugatti Veyron has a W16 1001-hp engine, that's two V8's joined together. It also has 4 super chargers and four radiators which gives a top speed of 256-mph.
The Bugatti Veyron has 4 turbochargers
there are only two seats in the bugatti veyron?
It takes about 1 to 2 years to make the Bugatti Veyron, it take this long because the designs of this car takes 7 to 8 months to make. The Bugatti has 15 radiators inside which takes 8 to 9 months to make and get settled. So if you see it takes 1 to 2 years to make a Bugatti Veyron.
No. There is not a Bugatti Veyron in gt4.
Bugatti Veyron.
There are 2 type of bugatti is ettor bugatti and veyron Bugatti
no indian has buggati veyron
Bugatti Veyron
bugatti veyron