Be more specific does the light not turn off, did it explode, or did the cover fall off...
my turn signal works but my switch will not return after i make a turn. please explain to me how to fix the problem
The ignition switchon my C230 1997 mercedez Benz its locked the key does not turn so i would like to know how to fix it
To fix a stuck turn signal, you may need to replace the whole switch. A switch can be purchased at any auto parts store.
replace the head light switch. the coils in the switch get hot n turn off the lights.
It could be as simple as a fuse. Or as hard as a multi-funtion switch. Which means the switch for your turn signals.
it is usally a dry connection on the fan speed switch
Replace seat pad
sounds like a turn signal switch is shorted
turn signal switch.......... Good Luck..........
I have a short in the instrument clusters and turn signal. I need an electrical schematic for a 1980 SD diesal Mercedes.
To fix a light switch that won't turn off, first, turn off the power to the switch at the circuit breaker. Next, remove the switch cover plate and check for any loose wires or connections. Tighten any loose connections and replace any damaged wires. If the switch still won't turn off, it may need to be replaced. Consult a licensed electrician for further assistance if needed.
To fix a light switch that won't turn on, first, turn off the power to the switch at the circuit breaker. Remove the cover plate and check the wiring connections to ensure they are secure. If the connections are loose, tighten them. If the switch is old or damaged, replace it with a new one. Turn the power back on and test the switch to see if it works. If the problem persists, it may be a larger electrical issue and you should consult a professional electrician.