Kingdom of Bora Bora ended in 1888.
How far is Riyadh from Bora Bora?
christian !!!! ( :
very far
16 599 km
The distance is about 16 900 km.
The total flight duration from Florida to Bora Bora is 11 hours, 41 minutes. The distance between Florida and Bora-Bora is 9022 km
The distance between Bora Bora, French Polynesia, and Paris in mainland France is 15738 km (9779 mi).
Air Tahiti flights is the only airline I can find to fly into Bora Bora. There are no direct flights from the United States to Bora Bora so you would have to get a connecting flight from another airline.
2,000 miles from turkey
About 79 miles...
The United States is farther North than the United Kingdom. This is because of the state of Alaska being so far North.