As I have not heard about it, I would say no.
I am sorry to say, there is not a demo for Bioshock 2 on the PS3 or XBOX 360. However, there is a demo form the original Bioshock on both consoles. Hope this was somewhat helpful!
Some say there isnt one :(
issho demo kurushii inakutemo kurushii
Yes. When you install the full version, it will say that you will need to uninstall the demo, but the creatures you've made can be saved to a special folder.
Some DVDs in Wal-Mart have a demo or promo sticker because they attarct lower prices compared to the other DVDs.
to say is the verb 'dire' in French.
In French, to say 'she' , you say:Elleeg. elle s'appelle comment?In French, to say 'he', you say:Il
To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
The game will say you can't play it anymore and will give you a link to see what the full version is about. It also gives you a decision whether to delete the demo or not.