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"Nettoyer les fenêtres" or quite commonly "laver les carreaux, faire les carreaux" (les carreaux being the window panes)

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Q: How do you say clean the windows in French?
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How do you say clean in French?

to clean is nettoyer in French. Something clean is 'propre'

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How do you say house cleaning services in French?

nettoyer is clean en francais or in french. =)

How do you say clean my house in french?

Nettoyer mes chambre

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nettoie sa chambre

How do you say are you clean in french?

heyy here to help :) are you clean? (english), Etes-vous nettoyer? (french) êtes-vous propre ? (washed) êtes vous clean ? (not under drugs)

How do you say snowy windows in french?

des fenêtres enneigées, couvertes de neige

When was French Windows created?

French Windows was created in 1999.

What is windows in French?

windows = fenêtres

How do you stop streaks cleaning windows?

Do not clean windows in the sun. Clean windows with cleaner that has ammonia in it. Also use squeege and wipe streaks with newspaper.

How does one clean double plated windows?

You need to unmount the windows in order to clean them right beacuse there is no easy way of reaching the inside , once you unmount them you can clean them like any other windows