The 2001 Porsche Boxster has 24 valves.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster has a flat 6 engine.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster has a 5-speed manual.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster is 5 ft. 10.1 in. (70.1 in.) wide.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster is 14 ft. 3 in. (171 in.) long.
The 2001 Porsche Boxster's turning circle is 35.8 ft..
The 2001 Porsche Boxster has double overhead cam (DOHC).
The height of the 2001 Porsche Boxster is 4 ft. 2.8 in. (50.8 in.).
The 2001 Porsche Boxster runs on premium unleaded (required).
The drivetrain warranty of the 2001 Porsche Boxster is 4 yr./ 50000 mi..
The ground clearance of the 2001 Porsche Boxster is 0 ft. 4.1 in. (4.1 in.).