Easiest way is with a smoke machine. It pressurizes the crankcase with smoke that you can see leaking. Other than that, need to check each one, unless you know of something not working.
You can refer to a 1997 BMW 740iL repair manual available on 1000repairmanuals.com/blog/bmw-e38-740i-740il-repair-manual-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000-2001/
most auto parts stores sell either haynes or chilton auto repair manuals. these usually have wiring, and vacuum diagrams in the back.
Power loss on an engine is generally due to an air problem. Check the vacuum lines on the engine to see if there are any leaks. Leaks in a vacuum line cause a car to either run to lean or rich. This will negatively effect the performance of the car.
How do you replace starter in 1997 BMW 740il??
Bmw 528 1997 not start
Ignition problem ie damaged ignition wires or incorrectly gaped spark plugs. Fuel system malfunctions. Vacuum line leaks or air intake blockages.
There are many places a person may have their BMW automobile repaired. A person may take their BMW to a local auto mechanic, for instance. Additionally, there are mechanics who specialize in BMW repair, such as L & G BMW repair in Bellflower, California.
It depends on where you live. You can do a search for a BMW dealership or repair shop that specializes i n BMW's in your area.
BMW does not have a recommended millage for a transmission service on a 1997 540-I.
The type of oil for a 1997, BMW 540-I is a synthetic 5w40 blend.
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Automatic Stability Control (BMW)