undo one bolt on gearbox end where speedo cable enters box,end of cable gear acts asa dipstick
All skoda felicia has the same gearing! only the final gear is different! the car :3.833, pickup :4.118, and yes the Diesel :3.579! hope this helps.
You can buy a kit on eBay UK - replace the bushes etc - from Jorily
question hasn't been answered cause no one knows what the hell a "skoda Felicia" is. Country of origin might help? ANSWER Drain the box remove the speedo cable at the gearbox end withdraw the drive gear refill with 2.4 Ltr of 80W grade gear oil replace the drive gear minimum oil level is the bottom of the drive gear replace the cable good luck Mike 2
need to oil the gear box
usually on top of the gear box beside the clutch arm black switch with two wires going into connector switch unbolts from gear box but dont drive with it removed or youll lose gear oil
Try the alternator pulley wheel - it has a clutch. Mine just sheared of completely (the clutch had disintergrated)
You remove the speedo cable and drive and fill up the oil through the hole then refit the cable. It is held in bt a 9mm bolt and a plate.
Check your clutch fluid level or your automatic transmission fluid level.
on the side of the gear box
If the car won't move when it's in gear, check the transmission fluid level. Check to see that the parking brakes aren't stuck.
check you parking brake, check transmission fluid level,.......
I would first check the transmission fluid level.