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Q: How do soft drinks effect the heart rate?
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How are cola soft drinks decaffeinated?

Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause an elevated heart rate and increases alertness. Cola soft drinks that are decaffeinated do not have any caffeine added to them.

What is good effect of soft drinks?


HELP ASAP His teacher asked him if it was the soft drinks or the drinking that had cause the increase in heart rates How could Peter check if the soft drink caused the increase in heart rates?

Peter could drink another soft drink, if his heart rate increases agian then thats what is causing it.

What effect does soft drinks have in causing rust?

Generally soft drinks contains acid and sugar and so, it can easily corrodes and destroy the teeth.

Soft drinks are a normal good Draw a graph showing the effect of an increase in income causes an increase in demandfor soft drinks?

i willn't do tht

Effect of crocin in soft drinks?

You start feeling drunk, if consumed.

How does various soft drinks effect staining of teeth?

These are some things that make your teeth ugly.

Why are soft drinks called soft drinks?

It was named after its creator, Dr. Malcom Pepper.

What is the pH soft drinks?

Soft drinks are generally acidic.

How does softdrink affect a plants growth?

Soft drinks will often kill plants or at least slow down their rate of growth. Soft drinks not only keep the plants from absorbing water, the acid eats away roots.

How does softdrinks affect plants growth?

Soft drinks will often kill plants or at least slow down their rate of growth. Soft drinks not only keep the plants from absorbing water, the acid eats away roots.

Do soft drinks affect teeth?

Because soft drinks have sugar