wat does ETS dash light mean on a mercedes ml 320
Hey guy, I got an ETS warning light on my dashboard on my ML1998. is that something serious or ...? what might it be? I never changfed anything prior to it,so I have no idea what it might be related to..
it means the esp ets is in use so change driving style
what does ets, esp and abs warning lights mean on a 2000 ml Mercedes
Why are ets and engine light on in 98 Chevy cavalier
Normally the (Electronic Traction Control) ETS light is on when the ETS is turned off. Make sure the ETS is on and not off when driving at all times winter or summer.
Probably because you have the ETS turned off.
what does it mean when the ets light is on
ETS is connected to your ABS. ETS is a traction control and is linked to your ABS so to get your ETS light off you'll probably have to fix your ABS to get the light off. On mine, fixing a broken wire on my ABS plug which runs into the hub fixed my problem.
ets and check engine light on in 98 Chevy cavalier
Check your ABS sensor
ok. see the button with the wheels on it near the dimmer switch. It says ETS on it. push and it will light up.