It has a cam belt.
Chain. :) Im A VW Mechanic
My local vw dealer told me 78000 miles
If the water pump is driven by the cam belt then change the water pump at the same time.
It has a chain.
Gates shows the 1.8L has a cam belt but it does not list the 1.6L as having a belt. Your owners manual will answer this question.
The bora v5 does not have a cam belt. It has two timing chains. The first is driven by a sprocket on the crankshaft. This first chain drives a sprocket connected to a smaller sprocket on a common shaft. This smaller sprocket drives the camshaft chain which drives the twin cam shafts. Both chains have tensioners.
The cam belt drives the cam, keeping it in time. If the cam belt breaks, the engine not only will not run, but could be damaged. Make sure to change the belt at the recommended intervals.
The same mileage as which the first cam belt was replaced.