Most (if not all) key fobs can be recoded. You may want to inquire with your dealership or a good locksmith.
With proof of ownership and the vehilce VIN you can obtain a duplicate key from a dealership. A dealership may have the software needed to recode a key if necessary, as keys are vehicle specific.
Making Key Fobs
The key fobs are not user programable. I have heard there are some locksmiths that can program the keys but I live is Texas and so far have found none to program any for my car. The only solution is to pay Mercedes to order a key from the Mercedes headquarters. If you choose this route make sure you have your title or registration along with the drivers license or they will not be able to order the key for u.
Yes, you can have two different key fobs together and use them interchangeably for the same vehicle. Each key fob will have its unique code that the car's system recognizes, allowing multiple key fobs to be used with the same vehicle.
Typically, key fobs are not designed to be combined with each other. Each key fob is paired specifically to its corresponding vehicle or access point. If you have multiple key fobs for different vehicles or places, they should be kept separate for proper functioning.
you can't.
ur ma
You can't, the equipment to do that is too expensive to buy. You'll need to take it to a dealer to have it done. most charge around $80.00 to recode a key !
Personalized key fobs can be bought online from some of the companies that trade through Amazon. They can also be bought from jewelers who also do engraving.
$250 @ MB according to forum
look in the owners manual