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Hey. I don't live in Californina, but I would guess no. I think that any state that you have to have front and back license plates (i.e. New Jersey, Wisconsin, California) you would get pulled over if you didn't have one. That is, unless you put it under your front plate. I don't know how strict the police in your area are about that, but if they're pretty lenient I'd say go for it because it looks great. But if you do, don't be corny and put a Euro plate on a Japanese car, get the Japanese plate if that's the case.

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You can change your registration number e.g. MY08CAR, but not your VIN or other numbers. You may not change your registration to a plate of a newer year due to misidentification eg if you have a 2004 car, you cannot put a 2006 plate on it, but you can put older plates on eg a 2002 plate on a 2004 car.

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The answer is yes. The vehicle may not be setup for it because often times auto manufactures do not put the front license plate bracket on. It is generally the responsibility of the dealership to put the front license plate bracket on.

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You may have a cracked flex plate.

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