where is the a/c fuse on 2008 328 bmw
where are all fuse and relays for electric fan on 1996 bmw 318 ti
Yes, the cars are identical in every aspect except that the 1996 has the older style front kidney grilles.
about 275.00
in the glove box
its behind the glove department
Behind the glove box
All the fuse locations are located under the cover. The box is located under the hood, drivers side, by the fire wall. If the label is missing check out a BMW forum, like Bimmerwerks.com Eric J
about 190 205ft lbs tork
Where can one find the hazard and door lock fuse on a 2000 BMW 328i?
The 1996 BMW 328i holds 16.37 gallons which is equivalent to 62 liters. The vehicle is rated at 23 miles per gallon in the city and 31 miles per gallon on the highway.