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Q: Which jodhpurs are most comfortable in the saddle?
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What is a numna?

A saddle pad that goes underneath a saddle to make it more comfortable and to protect the horses back

What are jodhpurs made out of?

Jodhpurs (riding breeches) can be made of any durable fabric, but may have heavier material or leather on the inside of the knee to help hold onto the saddle.

What are 'Jodhpurs'?

Jodhpurs are horse riding breeches,named after a town in Rajahstan India.

Where did the idea to invent the western saddle come from?

Cowboys needed a saddle that was comfortable to sit in and work in because they're sitting in that saddle from dawn til dusk. They also needed a saddle that they could rope and herd cattle in, as well as something that was comfortable (relatively speaking) for the horse to wear on his back all day.

What is jodhpurs in German?

hi jodhpurs in German are Reithosen (female i think!) hope this helps!!!

What is the safest way to ride a horse bare back or on a saddle bare back because you have to ballence youre self and on a saddle you most likely depend on the saddle but it is actually more tippey?

Your question was a little confusing, haha. But, in my opinion, it is safest to ride in a saddle, because you have the stirrups and you don't slide as much as you would bareback, and plus with a saddle it's much more comfortable.

What saddle was designed for security and comfort no matter how harsh the condition?

All though the Western saddle is comfortable it is not the correct answer. An endurance saddle would be a better answer. They have many features that lend themselves to maintaining comfort in any condition. After all, they are called 'endurance' so you (and they) can endure more.

What sport are jodhpurs most commonly worn in?

Jodhpurs are tight trousers worn usually by Polo players. The name comes from the younger son of the Maharaja of Jodhpur, who popularised the fashion among Polo players.

What event would you need your jodhpurs for?

Normally horse riding but jodhpurs have been used for many other activities.

Why do horses wear saddle pads?

Because if they dont the sadelle will be to heavy and it will hurt the horse. The saddle doesn't get any lighter because of the saddle pad, but the pad cushions the weight of the saddle and absorbs shock and moisture, making it more comfortable for the horse.

Where are weights placed IN race horse's saddle?

They have places in the saddle blanket to put the weights in , usually at the lower part of the saddle to make saddle's more comfortable for riders. For more precise answers, I suggest you google it or visit an international horse racing site.

What are jodpurs?

Jodhpurs are tight-fitting trousers that reach to the ankle and are worn for horseback riding. They are designed to provide comfort and flexibility while riding and often come with reinforced patches for added durability and grip. Jodhpurs are commonly worn with tall riding boots.