

Best Answer

most yards supplies it

In order to get health mashes, you need to board your horse at an equestrian center that currently has health mashes in stock. You can find out if a center has health mashes by looking at the icons next to the name of each center. If there is a red rectangular-shaped icon next to the name of a center, it means the center has at least one health MASH in stock. You cannot buy health mashes from any of the shops on Howrse and you can only give a health mash to your horse if your horse's health is lower than 100%.

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Q: Where do you get health mash on Howrse?
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Related questions

Do you need to be at a specific age to use mash on Howrse?

Any horse can have mash, but you can no longer give health mash to horses over the age of 25 years.

How do you finish objective 24 on Howrse?

Click 'feed', and then click mashes>>health mash.

How do you get a health mash in howrse?

your horses equestrian centre may supply it for free or you can buy it from the shop.

Where can you find a helth mash on Howrse?

To get a health mash, you have to board your horse in an equestrian center with health mashes available. to get health mashes for your equestrian center, you have to grow and harvest every ingredient in the meadows and go to "produce mash" Happy howrseing! Mally223

How do you give a health mash to a horse in howrse?

The Equestrian Center your horse is in must have Health Mashes. If it does, and your horse is over 3 years and under 25 years, you can select a health mash under neath grain and oats when feeding your horse.

What range of items does the shop sell on Howrse?

The Howrse Shop Sells A Wide Variety Of Items, Such As: - Aging Points - Saddles - Bridles - Horseshoes - Apples - Turnips - Energy Mash - Health Mash And Yeah, That's The General Idea, But I'm Sure You Understand

How do you get more health on Howrse?

Sometimes going on short rides helps, or you could give your horse health mash, but I'm not sure howrse do that any more, i think they took it away:/ but if you just continue to feed it and care for it as normal, it should get back to 100% health. Hope this helps! Add me on howrse, onlymee :)

What do you do if your Howrse starts to get sick?

1)Give it a health mash and age. 2) Buy a black orcid from the black market and use it on the howrse( confirm your email and you will recevie a black orcid.)

Where is the health mash on Howrse?

I think you'll find the equestrian centres provide it. But they make it so if they have none you have picked a bad centre

How do you get your horses health up without buying a black orchid on howrse?

Make sure they are boarded in an Equestrian Centre with Mash. Choose the mash you want to use to endorse it's health. Make sure you choose Health Mash. Feed your horse everything and do not use aging points; it decreases it's moral over time.

How do you heal your horse on Howrse?

You can give a health mash if the hose is under 25 years old. Yo ucan also ensure he does not get to over or under weight.

Riding level1 on Howrse need equus fast for mash?

You can get a job or sell one of your horses