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To find outdoor clothing try Columbia sportswear and REI. Another great place for outdoor clothes is All these places offer a wide variety and the clothes are durable, and known for their positive reputations.

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12y ago

Yes they were alound to marry and it was only a ares

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Q: When do knights get married?
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What would you call a woman married to a knight?

"Lady", knights married noble womens, noble womens are ladys.

Were knights able to get married?

Most knights were allowed to marry, but there were some who were not, There were monastic orders of knights, such as the Knights Templar, and these orders often required their members to make monastic vows. Some of these did not allow marriage.

Could medieval knights get married?

Assuming that the knight was reproductively capable (i.e. he suffered no serious injuries to his groin region or was not naturally sterile), there was no impediment to a knight having a family and children.

Who is Jordan knights girlfriend now?

Jordan is married to Evelyn Knight and they have 2 kids together,Dante and Eric.

What type of payment did knights receive for their services?

Knights were wealthy in their own right because they were nobles. To own a horse and armor required money. Often for services they were given land, power positions, or married women with lands and connections.

Who where the knights at the knights of the round table?

Arthur knights

What knights do you need to get?

You need to get the Black Knights because they are the strongest knights.

King Arthur's knights are known as the knights of?

the knights of the round table

Who was the rulers of the knights?

That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.

What do the Knights of Columbus believe?

The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.

What are Knights in combats?

knights are in battle. :)

What did the knights do to the cross?

There were ceremonies in which Knights kissed the cross, and this often happened when they became knights.