1899 5 year old mare Imp then in 1904 3 year old filly Beldame
Filly: A female horse aged 5 years old or younger. Colt: A male horse aged 5 years old or younger.
A colt is a young male horse, and a filly is a young female horse. So, no, a colt cannot birth a filly because the colt is sexually immature, but overall male horses cannot become pregnant.
A filly is name for a female horse. so its called a filly.
colt is he / a little son of a horse filly is she / a little daughter of a horse.
A filly is a baby female horse, a baby male horse is called a colt.
A female horse from the age of birth to 4 years old is a filly.
The opposite gender of a filly (young female horse) is a colt (young male).MareMaybe the opposite of filly is colt (a young male horse).
At 1 the foal becomes a yearling then a colt/filly to 2 to 3 and at 3 it finally becomes a horse
A young female horse is a filly.
Filly means female horse. It can or can't have spots.