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Most were the traditional house-wife that cooked, cleaned house, gave birth to kids, etc. However that's not to say that they weren't involved in the ranch activities as much as the men were, because a lot of ranch wives were also good horse-women as well, riding, roping and rounding up cattle along with the other cow-hands. Most packed a gun too, both as defense against vermin and rustlers but also for their own safety.

In today's world, there are more and more women that are owners and very active ranchers. There are quite a few that are more than capable of running a ranch on their own and are the go-to people that make the decisions and manage the ranch according to their philosophies, the land they live in and the cattle they raise. Husband and wife are partners in the ranching business, with either person taking half the duties of the other. It seems, in the 20th century, that women play a much bigger part in the cattle industry than they have 200 years ago.

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