Lime stone and sand stone.
You mean lime the fruit? Citric acid.
Lime is not used in jam. Lime used to be used in pickles to make them crisp. However, the USDA no longer recommends using lime in food processing for home preserving.
The kind of climate that is necessary to grow a lime tree is moderate to sunny climates though there are a few varieties such as the persian lime tree that can withstand a cooler climate.
Lime was used in building houses.
The USDA does not advise using lime in pickles. There were too many instances of spoilage when lime was used in pickles. The reason for using lime was to increase crispiness. Find a new tested recipe for pickles at the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website and follow their directions for safe crispy pickles.
Corona and lime is an alcoholic drink. It is a glass of Corona beer with some lime juice squeezed in it. You can add a lime wedge to the rim of the glass to jazz it up a bit.
They took ash from Mount Vesuvius and mixed it with wet lime to make a kind of concrete that was also used for constructing the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. The way the Colosseum is still holding up is because they used this kind of material to make this concrete.
No, lime is not a basic substance. It is a chemical compound of calcium and oxygen, commonly used in agriculture and construction. Lime is slightly alkaline in nature.
Slaked lime is used to make mortar. It is mixed with sand and water and used to hold bricks together.