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There are no "most wild" breeds. There are 30 wild horses out at any time, sent out at random by the game. Not all breeds will be out at one time, and there may be more than one of a certain breed out at a time.

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Q: What is the most wild breed of horses?
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Related questions

Can wild horses regenerate?

No, but they can breed just like regular horses,

In a wild herd of horses are all horses the same breed?

Usually. The breed in America is usually the American Mustang.

What is a wild horse suitable habitat?

It depends on the breed of wild horse (domesticated horses are really only breeds but some wild horses are a breed like the Przewalski's horse) - whether they are cold or hot - blooded to figure out the climate and habitat they would be most suited in/ where they originated from as well.

How do horses in the wild get pregnant?

The leading stallion will breed with the mares

Are there wild horses in Maine?

Yes, there are wild horses all over the USA.

What are horses called that are returned to the wild?

Feral horses are horses that have been tame or domesticated but have escaped and returned to the wild. An exception is Przewalski's Horse a breed of wild horse that was subjected to a breeding program and then purposefully returned to the wild. These horses have never been tamd or domesticated.

Are Spanish horses wild?

The term Spanish horse is typically used for Andalusian or Pura Raza Espanola (PRE) horses. This breed is not wild or feral, but there were and are herds of feral/wild Sorraia horses in the Iberian Peninsula.

Do you ever find a Lipizzaner in the wild?

No, Lipizzaner horses are a domesticated breed known for their performance in classical dressage. They are not found in the wild.

Can you breed horses on Planet Horse the computer game?

In the game horse isle you are unable to breed horses. The only way to get a foal is to buy one at the pet store. Or you can find wild horses, trade other for horses, or buy horses. But you cannot breed your horse. But good idea

Which state has the most wild horses?

The most wild horses found are located in Nevada Hope this helps :)

Are there anymore wild horses in the wild?

Yes there are, and commonly in Texas (no those are feral!!) Yes, a few. Only 1 breed. The Przewalski (or Mongolian/asian) wild horse. They are the only living breed left, Horses and donkeys branched out from them, They are extint in the wild. wild horses we think of today (mustangs) are feral. that means they have domestic ancestors, and/or are tame/ used to people

Which horse goes faster a wild horse or trained horse?

Most horses , no matter the breed gallop at about 15-20 mph. The exception to that are Thoroughbreds and quarter horses that can gallop up to 50mph.