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The best way is to only train dressage and speed and do short trot rides (for speed), and then only enter competitions when you have a tub of grease.

If you have now trained quite a lot, here are some tips that may help:

*use fillers to help you along

*don't enter races with higher skilled horses

in the areas which matter for that comp

*enter the lowest level comps available

*enter comps he is not so good at

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Q: What is the best way to train an Arabian on Howrse so that it will actually win competitions?
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How do you win Howrse competitions?

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Chronos timer on howrse?

Chronos timer helps your horse train twice as fast so you can start entering competitions earlier

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Train your horse completely in Stamina, do long trot rides until you no longer gain skill in stamina, and compete in cross country competitions.

How do you complete quest 24 on Howrse?

A howrse has -100 BLUP when it is born, as you train it, it gains BLUP. Quest/ Objective 22 is asking you to use one of your howrse that was bred by you (Producer= your user name) and train it until it has positive blup.

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OBJECTIVE 59: Win one competition with your horse.Basically, train and tack your best horse, and enter competitions until you win one. It's best if your horse is fully trained at least, or fully bolded if possible.

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What is the fastest way to level your horse up on Howrse?

train them and enter them in competions

Where is the training box on howrse?

To train your horses, there is a box on the right hand side. You have to train in each of the 6 skills. A horse can train from the age of 2 yrs.

How do you finish Quest number 13 on Howrse?

You just train one of your horses for 3 hours.

Can you train a mustang to jump for competitions?

Yes, in the Phantom Stallion book series it says Mustangs don't jump, but they do! I know 'cause my friend owns a Mustang and competes in jumping competitions.