Personally, I'd start him/her out in a egg-butt snaffle. Then, if you need a stronger bit, transition to a full-cheek or D-ring. Only use a harsher bit if the pony isn't responsive/reactive.
Everypony is the best pony.
Everypony is best pony
That is purely a matter of opinion. There is no majority agreement on who is the best pony.
The best place to get a pony is from a farm or from a stable. Or, you could adopt a wild mustang pony.
Shetland Ponies are awesome for the first time buyers, and they are good with kids, but if you were looking for something a bit larger, a Pony of the Americas, or a Welsh Ponymight be what you're looking for.
They went out and Pony talked to Randy at the gas station.
Ponyboy also known as Pony
They went out and Pony talked to Randy at the gas station.
They went out and Pony talked to Randy at the gas station.
They went out and Pony talked to Randy at the gas station.
Just after Darry leaves for work, Two-Bit and Pony have time to kill before they see Johnny.
You can try a figure eight bridle or a flash bridle to prevent your pony from opening his mouth and evading the bit.