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Q: What is an oriental 2 wheeled carriage called?
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What is a 2 wheeled carriage is called?

bicycle with a basket

What is a light two wheeled one-horse carriage?

A cart.Answer 2:A two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse could be a cart or a sulky.A two-wheeled vehicle, beginning with a "c", that is pulled by a horse could be a chariot.There are several:carriagechariotbuggybrouettecabrioletdennetdogcartgighansomnoddyquadrigashandrysulkytilburyThere are many two wheeled horse vehicles, but typically they are referred to as horse carts or buggies. Larger 4 wheeled vehicles were usually called carriage's, coaches and wagons.The two-wheeled cart to race Standardbreds are called sulkies. Ones used for show or pleasure can be called carts or buggies, usually buggies are 4-wheeled though. There may be other terms but these are the most common.

What is a wooden cart?

A two-wheeled 'carriage' made mostly out of wood - actually carriages have 4 wheels and carts have 2 - but nobody cares about being that accurate anymore

What is a light 2 wheel carriage called?

bicycle with a basket

Is 'cabriolet' a noun?

I looked it up. It is a noun. 1 : a light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage with a folding leather hood, a large apron, and upward-curving shafts2 : a convertible coupe

Is a quad a motorbike?

Good question. No. "Bike" is short for bicycle. "Bi" = 2 Bicycle = 2 wheeled cycle Motorbike = motorised 2 wheeled cycle Quad = 4 "Quadricycle" = 4 wheeled cycle Motorquad = motorised 4 wheeled cycle So really in your context, "quad" is a motorquadricycle

What Small 2 wheeled vehicle with a motor?

That would be a motorcycle.

What are the release dates for Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors - 1985 The Vase of Xiang 1-2?

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors - 1985 The Vase of Xiang 1-2 was released on: USA: 17 September 1985

What consists of a horse and carriage unit?

Lets keep this simple and use as an example a 1-horse carriage. We'll start with the carriage and work forward to the horse. A carriage can be large and elaborite or small and light-weight like a sulkie. The average size can carry 2 to 4 people and can have 2 to 4 wheels. The 4-wheeled, larger variety are ones most commonly considered a carriage. Most of the smaller variety have 2 wooden 'shafts' that run on either side of the horse's sides. This is where the horse and cart meet. The horse has a harness just for this activity. He is backed between the 2 shafts and buckled to it. The reins are long because they have to reach clear back to the driver in the cart or carriage. When the horse has been trained the right way he will know what the driver wants and knows how to pull the cart in a safe manner. Words of Caution:If you are not an experienced trainer, one with experience in driving, please do not try to hook your horse up to anything, included a child's toy wagon, or the outcome could be disasterous. This is better left to people that know how to train in this specific area.

What is 2 inches?

a Chinese or oriental person's cock.

What is 2 wheeled transportation device that begins with prefix Bi?


Why bike have two wheeler?

bike is short for bicycle - a cycle with 2(bi) wheels. an single wheeled cycle is a unicycle and a threee wheeled cycle is a tricycle etc