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Q: What is a waiting period of a waiver on a premium rider in life insurance policies?
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What is waiting period in life insurance?

Waiting period may refer to the period of time from when you apply for coverage until you actually are insured by the policy. In addition, some graded benefit life insurance policies do not have full coverage from the first day you are insured. These graded plans may have full coverage after a two year waiting period.

If you have medical insurance now but have pre existing condition can you still obtain medical insurance?

You can still have the insurance but it may not cover the condition due to a waiting period. Most insurances have a 1 year waiting period for pre-existing condtions but after that year you can be treated. Some insurance policies do not have a waiting period. So it all depends on the insurance and the policy you have. You need to contact the insurance company with your group and policy numbers to find out more info on the contract.

When can a health insurer cancel your insurance for non-payment?

Most insurance policies, including health policies, provide for a stated due-date for the payment of premium each month. They usually also provide for a grace period (such as 10 days) after the stated due date within which the company will accept the premium without penalty. The policy may be subject to cancellation if the correct premium is not received by the end of the grace period.

What is the Mandatory Holding Period on Insurance Policies to avail tax banefits in India?

As per the Indian IT Laws, any Tax Payer, who claims tax deductions under Sec 80C using life insurance policies, is expected to pay his/her insurance premium for a minimum period of 2 full years. For a single premium policy if the contract is terminated within two years of the commencement of insurance then the benefit already taken would have to be reversed. The consequence of not fulfilling the holding period is that there is no benefit for the current year for the premium paid and all the previous benefits are reversed with the amounts being considered as income

What is premium holiday in life insurance?

A "premium holiday" is a provision contained in some whole life insurance policies that permits the cessation of premium payments, usually in the event of economic hardship. Premiums are paid from the accumulated cash value within the policy during this period. When the cash value has been exhausted, the policy is subject to lapse for nonpayment of premium.

What is a car insurance premium?

A car insurance premium is the amount of money paid to an insurance company for a 6 month period. It is cheaper to pay the full premium that pay each month.

What is the advantage of reinstating a policy instead of applying for a new one?

For some life insurance, age at inception determines the premium or acceptance. For other forms of insurance, the basis for insurance or premiums may have changed and might not extend to older existing policies. Some auto insurance policies have discounts based on continuous service period.

How is the free look period for insurance policies defined by Maryland law?

Insurance companies always come out with policy clauses with the noblest intentions. One of them is the 'free look period'. This period is a time period of 15 days that an insurance company allows you after having bought the policy, to understand whether you really want that policy. In short, if you have bought a policy and within a period of 15 days, decide for whatever reason are unhappy with the policy, you can return it and get full refund of your premium. The IRDA had made the free look period compulsory for all life insurance policies in 2002.

Can health insurance force you to pay for the grace period?

All insurance policies have a due date on which the periodic policy premium is payable. However, most also have a grace period, which is a stated number of days (often, 10) beyond the due date, during which the premium may be paid and will be accepted by the insurer without penalty. If the premium is not paid by the time that the grace period expires, the policy will in most cases expire or be cancelled for nonpayment of premium. An exception to this result may be when, in the case of whole life insurance, there is an accumulation of cash value. In that case, the unpaid premium may be paid from the accumulated cash value so as to keep the policy in force for a further period of time.

How long to pay insurance premium to Insurance Company after accident?

In general, insurance policies will have a grace period within which premiums can be paid after the regular due date. If the premium is paid within the grace period, coverage continues as normal. If not paid by the end of the grace period, the policy lapses. If a claim occurs after the policy has lapsed, there will be no coverage. The policy may contain language limiting your ability to make a claim if the premium has not been made on time, although the grace period has not yet expired. Therefore, the precise answer to your question will be dictated by tje language of the policy. In all events, you should certainly make the premium payment before the grace period expires and the coverage lapses for non-payment of premium.

If your spouse who is not the primary insurance carrier makes a change over the phone is there a waiting period before it goes into effect?

Not usually. The majority of insurance companies accept the change valid at the time of the request. Even if it changes the premium amount.

Know Your Waiting Period For New Health Insurance Coverage?

Buying health insurance online can often make policies much less expensive, which makes the Internet a great tool for health insurance buyers who are looking for more coverage. However, be careful when buying additional health insurance coverage. Check for a waiting period on your policy. This is a period that you'll have to wait before your new coverage becomes active, so it's a very important part of any new policy. Knowing your waiting period can make it easier to assess the overall value of your new health insurance coverage and make buying medical insurance a simpler process down the line.