

What do horse flies eat?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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6y ago

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The adult horse fly will feed mostly on nectar and occasionally on pollen. The female of the species requires a blood meal in order to reproduce. Males are incapable of feeding this way as the lack the necessary mouth parts, called mandibles. The female will get this supply of blood from mammals, although some species have been known to feed on birds, reptiles or even amphibians. An immature or larval horse fly are femoral predators of other invertebrates in moist environments.

To answer another question, horse flies certainly will bite horses,horseflies will bite humans, especially if there is moisture on the skin. ( swimming or sweating) It is very painful, so be very careful!

ANSWER:Horse flies are parasites. They live off of the blood of warm blooded creatures.

sometimes they feed on pollen.

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They bite the victim and feast on the blood.

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There are horse flies in Virginia, same as there are horse flies almost everywhere else in the world. There are specifically more horse flies in the east coast, especially in Florida. As for Virginia there's nothing special about the horse fly population there. Just the same old horse flies like everywhere.

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Are there horse flys in Florida?

Yes, there are all sorts of flies everywhere in the world. Horse flies are in Florida. :)

Can horse flies make a horse sick?

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