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why are a lot of horse flies in my home???

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10y ago

Horse flies are not generally attracted to indoor areas. They prefer the sunny areas. They could be attracted to someone wearing dark colors or certain smells in the home.

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What attracts horse flies?

uh horse flies like other small creatures and sometimes sweets if your trying to capture one just put in a sticky fly trap.

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the rafflesia attracts flies , which in turn pollinate the rafflesia

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Are there any horse flies in VA?

There are horse flies in Virginia, same as there are horse flies almost everywhere else in the world. There are specifically more horse flies in the east coast, especially in Florida. As for Virginia there's nothing special about the horse fly population there. Just the same old horse flies like everywhere.

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Scent in any bloom attracts pollinators. The carrion scent attracts flies which are the pollinators.

How does the smell of the carrion flower help the flower?

Scent in any bloom attracts pollinators. The carrion scent attracts flies which are the pollinators.

Why don't horse flies like water?

Horse flies don't like water because if they went in water it would kill them and horse flies prefer blood.

What is the phobia of horse flies called?

Pteronarcophobia is the fear of flies, which includes horseflies.

Can flies be born in mold?

Mold attracts flies and they do breed in mold. Flies will lay eggs in he mold so that the maggots have a food source when the hatch.

Are there horse flys in Florida?

Yes, there are all sorts of flies everywhere in the world. Horse flies are in Florida. :)