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the pastroal based industries obtain their raw material from animals

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Q: What are pastoral based industries?
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What is pastrol based industries?

Pastoral based industries include the raising of grazing animals. Pastoral industries include the raising of sheep, goats, and other ruminants.

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Industries which use materials obtained from animals are called animal based industries.

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A poem based on husbandry or agriculture is called a pastoral poem. Pastoral poems typically depict rural life, the beauty of the countryside, and the relationship between humans and nature.

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Pastoral nomadism is a form of subsistence agriculture based on the herding of domesticated animals. The word pastoral refers to sheep herding. It exists in dry climates where planting is impossible, primarily in the arid lands of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

Difference between arable and pastoral farming system?

Livestock: pastoral farming is based on livestock e.g cattle,sheep,goat While arable are not mainly for livestock. arable is for farming area for crop production while pastoral is for animals

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Products of the agricultural and pastoral industries, ranging from animal meats and skins, through fruits and wines, to cut flowers.

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What are marine based industries?

industries that use the raw materials obtained from seas or oceans are called marine based industry