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No. Knights came from the nobility. A boy was sent at 7 years old to train with another noble family. He started as a page to a knight and then worked his way up to knighthood. At 21 he was made a knight.

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Q: Is it possible for a peasant to become a knight or a noble?
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A peasant who works on land owned by a noble or knight is called a?

A peasant sometimes freeman.

Who was eligible to become a knight?

Only male children could. The order was page @ age 7, squire @ age 10, and a knight @ 20-24. A male of noble birth could become a knight but the farthest a peasant could go is a being a squire. God Bless!!

What motivated men to become knights?

Not all men could become a knight. Only the noble could. A peasant couldn't. A noble boy at 7 or 8 be chosen to become a knight and go through the various stages until he finished at 21. Not all succeeded, but those who did got the chance for more land, more riches, and to marry well. Not to mention a bit of fame.

How does a page become a knight?

A page was a noble boy in training to be a knight and it was a stage in that process. He became a knight at the age of 21.

Why would a person become a knight in the middle ages?

It was expected of a young noble boy to train as a knight. He left home at 7 to become a page to a knight and stayed in his service until 21 when he became a knight.

Was Robin Hood a peasant ar a noble?

a noble

What did a man go through to become a knight?

The training for knight took years. It began as a young boy. Noble boys were sent away from home to another noble at about age 7 to begin to train. They started as a page to the knight and as time went on they would train more and more. Finally, at 21 they would become a knight.

How did you become a noble in France before the revolution?

you had to come from a wealthy family and had to have money if you were poor, you would directly count as a peasant

Was it possible to move up in Aztec Hierarchy?

A soldier could become a Noble, and a noble could become the emporer.

How did a boy become a knight?

At about 7 years old a noble boy went to train with a knight and spent his life in training until at 21 years old he became a knight.

When did the life of a knight start?

The life of a knight started at a very young age. From about 7-14 years old a son of a noble would live with another noble, and learn basic strategies. This is called a page. Then at about age 14, a page would become a squire and be an apprentice to a knight. Lastly, at about the age of 21, the squire would become a knight and fight in battle.

What privelages did a knight have?

A knight was a noble so he had all the rights and privileges that was with being a noble.