There is no saint named Eoin. However, there is Blessed Eoin O'Mulkern but he has not yet been canonized. Eoin is Irish for John and there are many, many saints named John.
Eoin Colfer's full name is Eoin Colfer.
Eoin Logan's birth name is Eoin Patrick Austin Logan.
His wife's name is Jackie Colfer and he has had two children with her.
The name of Eoin Colfer's teenage criminal mastermind is Artemis Fowl.
Seán or Eoin
Like the name Owen.
No, it is not. It is the real Irishman's name.
Jackie colfer
God is gracus
EIBHLÍN is the Irish Gaelic spelling (pronounced 'eileen' in the south, and 'ev-leen' in the west and north.
Eoin is greek
Artemis Fowl