Xanthos came on the Olympus Cards. The cards are now sold out, and so the only way to get a Xanthos is to buy one off another player.
The best help is usually found in moderator and player forums on Howrse. You can also find help from various websites. Just do a search for Howrse information.
You can find a guide to Howrse under the help tab > the breeder's manual.
Howrse is great! If you need some help when you signup PM meapheartme. That is me! I love to help newbies.
Howrse Busters is a Howrse Help site created by RoseOfDawn from Howrse. Howrse Busters offers not only Howrse help, but also free graphics, many contests, etc. The Howrse help sections of Howrse Busters include: The Graphics Directory: A Place where you can find an elite graphics maker. The Forums: A place where you can ask any questions you have about the game. Helpful Pages: A list of other helpful sites for new players. Tutorials: Various tutorials to help teach you a new skill that will be valuable on Howrse. Profiles: A description of each Howrse breed and Black Market Item. Dictionary: A dictionary of Howrse's confusing words and phrases Howrse Busters also offers a lot of fun pages like: Contest: Various contests with prizes are held here. Free Graphics: A collection of free graphics made by RoseOfDawn and others Interviews: Interviews with Howrse's top players
The Howrse game is played on the internet, www.howrse.com . It is not for sale. But if you're talking about the Howrse board game, I can't help you there.
Just message them and ask if they could help you fulfill your objective, easy as that:) I'm cruiser5215 on howrse if you need any help add me :)
You need to go to the help page and it should be there.
The anti-spasmodic will help.
Go on help its on top of log out.
You can read all the breeding guides and help manuals up by the log out button.
By looking after it properly and reading all the help guidebooks.
PM me I can help you with level 5. Username: appybreeder