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There are five main categories of bits. These are:

  • Snaffle
  • Curb
  • Pelham
  • Gag
  • Nose

In dressage, there are restrictions on the type of bit you can use. Only snaffle bits, and in higher levels, double bridles, may be used and are classed as 'legal'.

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13y ago

Of course there are literally thousands of different kinds of bits, enough to fill many books. But the basics are the snaffle (broken) and solid or curb (unbroken). It's not as simple as western bits have shanks, english bits do not. Western bits with a broken mouthpiece are very common, the variations practically endless, including double bridles such as those used for dressage riding. They have a broken and unbroken bit and two sets of reins. These bridles are better left to upper level riders and trainers.

Other than these two basics are the other alternatives as the bitless bridles, hackamore, mechanical hackamore, sidepull, bosal/mecate, ect. A person could spend a lifetime studying all the different bits and their uses, but an understanding of the basics is vital for good horsemanship.

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