How fast is a carriage?
The answer to this is: the carriage is only as fast as the horse. Walk: Roughly 3-4 MPH. A pleasure show horse can go as slow as 2 mph. Gaited horses-- who do not trot-- can do a 'running walk' as fast as 15 mph. Trot: The trot is roughly 8-10 MPH. Again, a shorter striding horse could trot slower, and a horse with a long stride could move faster. Harness Racing (Trot/Pace): 20-35 MPH Canter/Lope: 10-17 MPH. Gallop - 20-45 MPH NOTE 1: It is generally considered bad form for any horse in harness to canter, lope, or gallop while hitched to a vehicle, as it is dangerous and ill-advised. NOTE 2: Many horse-drawn vehicles are referred to as "carriages" when in fact, they are not. Hearses, wagons, sulkies, carts etc all have different functions and are built to go at different speeds.