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If you have a pegasus, go to its page. On the bottom right corner, there's a little green tag saying 'actions'. Underneath, it says 'remove a feather'. However, If you remove a feather, your pegasus will lose its wings, so think carefully.

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13y ago
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13y ago


No you cannot take off pegasus wings, unless you put a golden apple coat on the horse (that doesn't have wings on it) and this only disguises the original horse. It will still be a pegasus.

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13y ago

When you remove a pegasus feather from your horse they become anormal horse however you will collect a feather for your potions>

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Q: How do you remove the feathers on a pegasus on Howrse?
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How many feathers will you get of a pegasus on Howrse?

From one pegaus, you get one if you remove it.

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When you remove a feather off a Pegasus the horse is no longer a Pegasus, it is just a normal horse.

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No. It is impossible.

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Can you turn a donkey into a pegasus on Howrse?

No, donkeys cannot be given Medusa's Blood on howrse.

On Howrse how do you get a pegasus?

You have to buy medusa's blood with a pass, buy horse at auction/private sales/ negotiations that is already a pegasus or be lucky and get in a horn of plenty. Hope this helps. To make a Pegasus on Howrse, you need to purchase the medusa's blood from the black market. To get a pegasus on Howrse, you have two options: 1. Buy a pegasus in the sales. 2. Put a Medusa's Blood from the Black Market onto your horse and it will be a pegasus.

How do you get a pegasus by breeding what horse on Howrse?

The only way to get a Pegasus is to give your horse a Medusa's Blood.

What color is the horse pegasus?

The howrse pegasus is any color at all but the wings are always white

How do you get a uni pegasus on Howrse?

You can't. It's not allowed on the game.

Can your horse give birth to a pegasus on Howrse?

No, sorry. But you never know, they might bring that to Howrse! Lots of people want it.

Is horse a land animal with feathers?

Not unless it is a pegasus (and they don't exist). Real horses do not have feathers.

How do you get your favorite to show up on your page on howrse?

You have to buy a Pegasus Account for 3 passes.