

Best Answer

To register on Howrse (remember there can only be 1 account per person, and try to limit it to about 2 per household), visit the homepage (Related Links section), and choose the basic information about your horse. Once you've picked out your horse's breed, gender, name, and color, hit Continue to go onto your registration information.

NOTE: Only the most basic and widely used servers are in the Links section below. You can choose from a larger variety of Howrse servers in the top right section of your Howrse screen.

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if you want free droppings on Howrse, simply dont look after your horse and age it, (or wait for the next day.) purpledragon37 (my user on howrse)

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You cannot. Only a user with administrator permissions can make new user accounts

How do you change your user name on howrse?

Sad to say but you cannot change your username. You can change your password though! If you really want to change your username you would have to make a new account. I am sorry of those who want to change usernames :(..............................

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You cant you can create a coat. But no breed variations. My user name on howrse is 899bubble to add me as a friend!

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Howrse is no longer doing promo codes appybreeder (on Howrse)

Does anyone have an extra fertility wand I can have on howrse my user name is Darah Thornton?

WikiAnswers is not the place to ask for items for games, it's a place to ask questions that anyone can make use of (example: "How do you get a Fertility Wand on Howrse?"). Sorry!

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There are only 10 riding levals (gallops) on howrse If you want you can PM me on howrse my user is lulujake8.

Where can i buy a horse at so i can enter online with its code for Howrse?

you dont have to buy a horse to play the game howrse. If your new make an account and you will get your own horse

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3 karma pts. my user name is tophorsefan check me out i have horses for sale no its actually 2 karma points. my user name is leila124 on howrse