The easiest way to gain money for your EC is to grow crops and then sell what you grow.
A 'DIRECTOR' in Howrse is an EC director where he/she manages her/his own EC (a sanctuary for horses). hope this helps... x
Buy it in the EC store.
No, you can't, only in the EC.
By employing Grooms to work for you. 1 grrom is provided by howrse for the first 20 boxes in your EC.
Hire a saddler
You don't, you delete that one and make a new one with the desired name.
After the competition is completed you get your equus
Go to Equestrian Centre --> The Shop.
It's how famous and popular an EC or a player is.
You cannot quit your job on howrse. You have to wait until the contract expires unless the owner of the ec quits howrse.
In the ec that your hoorse is staying at you go up to the place where it says the horse is boarded and click cancel stay.
You can advertise for a vet in the EC classifieds forum, or hire a temporary vet by going to the ec jobs page > hire a vet > hire a temp