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Elizabethans were not allowed to wear what clothes they liked. Their clothing and items of apparel were dictated by Elizabethan Summitry Laws which governed the style and materials worn. The laws were used to control behavior and to make sure that a specific class structure was maintained. The penalties for violating the laws were harsh and could include fines, the loss of property, title and even life. The clothes provided information about the status of a person wearing them. This was not just dictated by wealth, but also reflected social standing. Only Royalty were permitted to wear clothes trimmed with ermine. Lesser nobles were allowed to wear clothing trimmed with fox and otter. The colors and materials were also dictated as well as type of clothing. The hoop worn under a skirt was called a farthingale and only allowed to be worn by the nobility. Normally, when worn, it was not for everyday use, but for special dresses. Elizabethan clothing for women had a lot of parts. Under dresses were smock or shift, also called a chemise made of linen stocking or hose corset or bodice farthingale roll or rowle stomacher petticoat kirtle forepart partlet Over clothes gown ruff cloak shoes hat

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Q: Elizabethan framework of hoops worn under the skirt?
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What is the name of the hoop or framework worn under skirts in Elizabethan times?

Spanish Farthingale

A hoop or framework worn under skirts especially in Elizabethan times?

Farthindale This is Farthingale. In the Mail on Sunday Crossword of 6th Sept. 2009, 36 down is Gooch, using the g of Farthingale. farthingale A hoop worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally; worn by European women in the 16th and 17th centuries

Does a petticoat go under a hoop skirt?

No a petticoat in the Civil War Era went on top of the hoop skirt, because the boning of the hoop would show through some fabrics of the skirt and give the look of a lamp shade or caged effect the petticoat went over the top of the hoop skirt to cover up the framing of the hoops.

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A bustle is a framework used to expand the fullness of the back of a woman's dress. These were worn under the skirt during the mid-to-late 19th century.

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under your moms skirt!!!!!!!!!!! under your moms skirt!!!!!!!!!!!

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under your moms skirt!!!!!!!!!!! under your moms skirt!!!!!!!!!!!

What are slips as in clothes?

Slips are a sort of skirt that you wear under a dress or skirt because it is see through. A thin sleeveless garment worn under a dress or skirt and top.

What is a under skirt?

It either a peice of fabric the goes between the matress and box spring or something you wear under a skirt'

What is under girls skirt?

A vagina

What is under a woman's skirt?


Do you do handstands in a skirt?

Only if it is a skirt\shorts then you will be covered up and nobody can see what you have under

Whats under a chearleaders skirt?

their underwear