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In Mediterranean climate, the wet season is often winter and spring ,the dry season is often summer and autumn.Many plant grow mostly in the winter in spring,because there is little rainfall during the summer. Agriculture requires water stored in reservoirs from winter rain water.

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14y ago

well... it could if you want depends of what type of climate you live in like a dry or wet area there are specific cows you can choose from.droughtmasters are good for the drought but herefords are good for normal temperatures. you should look up breeds of cows on the internet, it will tell you .

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Q: Does dairy farming take place along the Mediterranean?
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Dairy farming predominantly takes place on a ribbon of land along the Mediterranean?

Dairy farming along the Mediterranean is common due to the favorable climate for forage growth and access to water for irrigation. The mild winters and warm summers provide ideal conditions for dairy cows to graze on lush pastures year-round. Additionally, proximity to ports allows for efficient transportation of dairy products to markets.

Where does dairy farming take place?

dairy farms take pales in Glasgow and Plymouth and Edinburgh and Kent

What are the non farm production activities taking place in kerala?

dairy farming,transportation

Where is the place that does the most dairy farming?

Please be more specific. What country are you referring to here? Or are you even referring to a country and simply calling it a "place"?

Do you capitalize Mediterranean?

Yes, Mediterranean is a place.

Why do you think cattle domestiocation areas were located around the Mediterranean Sea?

Cattle domestication took place in areas located around the Mediterranean Sea because that is where farming first began. It was also easier to get them to a port to be loaded on a ship for trade purposes.

Which economic activities take place in the rural areas?

in India farming is main economic activity. Dairy is other economic activity. few are also shopkeepers ananya

Where does farming take place in turkey?

Farming takes place in the coastal areas of Turkey :)(:

Where would you swim if you were staying in Nice?

The best place to swim is on the Riviera (which is a beautiful stretch of beaches along the south coast of France, on the Mediterranean Sea).

What is the official language of the Mediterranean island?

There is no such place called "the Mediterranean Island."

What is an orange?

An orange is a fruit grown in places with warm, sunny climates. In the United States, Florida is a popular place to grow them as well as along the Mediterranean Sea.

Where can you find the Mediterranean food pyramid?

The best place to look would be the Mediterranean.