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True ... it's called inertia.

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Q: Does a rider fall forward when his horse stops suddenly?
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When the horse suddenly stops the rider falls forward Explain why?

When a horse suddenly stops, the rider's body continues moving forward due to inertia. This causes the rider to lose balance and fall forward, especially if they are not prepared for the sudden stop and do not have a strong core to stabilize themselves. The abrupt change in momentum and the lack of time for the rider to react also contribute to the fall.

When the scooter hits a rock the rider tends to fly forward because?

because it stops at a high rate of speed forcing the rider to fly forward

Why are passengers thrown forward when a moving vehicle suddenly stop?

Passengers are thrown forward when a moving vehicle suddenly stops due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion, so when the vehicle stops suddenly, the passengers continue moving forward until they are stopped by the seat belt or another object.

Why do standing passengers fall forward when a bus stops?

Standing passengers on a bus fall forward when it stops due to inertia. When the bus suddenly stops, the forward momentum of the passengers causes them to continue moving forward until they are stopped by a barrier or regain their balance.

Why is a car seat belt important?

It keeps you from moving forward if the car is hit or stops suddenly.

Suppose you are riding as a passenger in a car when the car stops suddenly What pushes you forward?

Force of Inertia

When a car stops suddenly the passengers tend to move forward relative to their seats Why?

When a car stops suddenly, the passengers tend to move forward relative to their seats due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, so when the car stops suddenly, the passengers continue to move forward at the car's original speed until the seatbelt or seat stops them.

A girl on a marta train goes flying forward when the train suddenly stops which law of motion is this?


If your in a car that stops suddenly your body keeps moving because it has?

Inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. When a car stops suddenly, your body continues to move forward due to its inertia until an external force, such as the seatbelt or airbag, stops it.

When you are in a car the stops suddenly and when your body keeps moving what is that called?

That is called inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion, which can cause your body to keep moving forward when the car stops suddenly.

When riding a horse the horse suddenly stops and you fly over its head Why does this happen in physics?

Because of inertia. Things that are moving likes to keep moving.

When you are standing up in a subway train and the train suddenly stops your body continues to go forward What law?

Gravity maybe?