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For the most part, high morale is positive for business. One downside which high morale can have is a low turnover rate. In theory this is good, however if a company needs to lay off due to financial reasons it is often the younger employees which get laid off first. This can be detrimental to the long term good of the company.

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Q: Can high morale have a downside?
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What is high morality?

Morale is being happy, so high morale is being very happy. Morale was used in ww1 & ww2 with soldiers.

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The wage level affects the morale of the employee directly. When the wage level is acceptable the morale will be high and this will result into more production output.

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There is a high risk of tumor recurrence and metastases after transplantation.

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A synonym for morale is "spirit" or "team spirit." It refers to the emotional and mental condition of an individual or group in relation to their enthusiasm, confidence, and discipline.

Does the word morale mean the same as the word kind?

No. Morale can be thought of as "spirits" in the sense that low morale means low spirits, high moral means high spirits. Example in a sentence: One of the problems of the American military in Iraq is low morale. Kind either means "nice" or "compassionate", or "type". Examples: My aunt was always very kind to me. There are two kinds of commentators on network TV; liberal and conservative.

When was On the Downside created?

On the Downside was created in 2000.

What are all the ways to get morale up on howrse cause mine is so low?

Feed ur horse an apple, stroke them, and Groom them once a day. Eventually their morale gets really high!

How to handle potential morale problems for work force reduction?

There is no good way to do a reduction and maintain high morale. The best thing to do is to be open with the entire workforce about what is being done and why, and to get it over with quickly.

What is the meaning of the industrial morale?

Employee Morale refers to an attitude of satisfaction with a desire to continue and strive for attaining the objectives of a factory. Morale is purely emotional. It is an attitude of an employee towards his job, his superior and his organization. It is not static thing, but it changes depending on working conditions, superiors, fellow workers pay and so on. Morale may range from very high to very low. High Morale is evident from the positive feelings of employees such as enthusiasm, desire to obey orders, willingness to co-operate with coworkers. Poor or low Morale becomes obvious from the negative feelings of employees such as dissatisfaction, discouragement or dislike of the job.

What has the author Carol A Hacker written?

Carol A Hacker has written: 'The high cost of low morale-- and what to do about it / Carol A. Hacker' -- subject(s): Work environment, Employee morale, Interpersonal relations, Employee motivation

What is Bush's motivation to stay in Iraq?

General Petraeus' new strategy is working Troop morale is high