

Can a horse get a wolf?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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A wolf is a natural enemy of the horse. Although horses run in herds, wolves run in packs. A lone wolf could probably take down a sick, old or very young horse. A pack of wolves could take down a single horse. But wolves aren't stupid. They know the danger of going up against an animal that is much stronger than they are. Four hooves that can be deadly and teeth just as lethal. Yes a horse could kill or seriously injure a wolf. Most predators try for the easiest prey available. A full grown horse is not the easiest.

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Although this would be a pretty close match, a horse would be faster. But a wolf on the other hand, is more agile.

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A horse's strong, muscular hooves can crush the wolf by stomping it and kicking its head.

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The Roan Wolf or Roan Wolf. Get it "lone wolf" ? And you can just call him wolf or wolfie around the barn

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