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Not particularly, no.

For HorseIsle's quiz, the answer is No.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

For the HorseIsle quiz, no.
Not particularly. For the HorseIsle quiz, no.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, they are.

Paprsek, Palo server <3

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Q: Are welsh cob horses used for hunting?
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Is the Welsh cob breed used for hunting?

No, the Welsh Cob is not a hunting breed.

Which of these horses is NOT known for being a breed used for hunting?

Welsh Cob Horse Isle answer!!

Which of these horses is not known for being a breed used for hunting for HorseIsle's riddles?

Welsh Cob

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Welsh Cob.

What horses are NOT known for being a breed used for hunting?

For HorseIsle's quiz, it's the Welsh Cob.

Is the Welsh cob used for hunting?


Which breed of horses are used for hunting?

Out of the options that the quiz on HorseIsle gives you, it's anything but the Welsh Cob.

What breed of horses is used for hunting?

Out of the options that the quiz on HorseIsle gives you, it's anything but the Welsh Cob.

What horses are known for being a breed used for hunting?

From the options that HorseIsle gives you, it's anything but the Welsh Cob.

Which horses is known for being a breed used for hunting?

Out of HorseIsle's options for the quiz or riddle, it's anything but the Welsh Cob.

Which horses are known for being a breed used for hunting?

Out of the options that HorseIsle's quiz gives you, it's anything but the Welsh Cob.

Is a Missouri Fox Trotter or a Welsh Cob being a breed used for hunting?

Welsh Cobs.