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The prefix archaios is just a term used for all prefixes that mean "ancient". A common word that is under a list of word that have the prefix archaios- is archeology.

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Q: Words with the prefix archaios
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What does the prefix archaios mean?

The prefix "archaios" means ancient or old. It is often used to describe something that is from a distant past or that is outdated.

Does archaeology have a suffix or root?

The word "archaeology" has its roots in the Greek words "archaios" meaning ancient, and "logos" meaning study or discourse. It does not have a distinct suffix like other scientific disciplines.

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Archaios is not an English word, it is Greek. Here is what the Related Link (below) has to say about it: "Our word 'archaic' derives from the Greek archaios, meaning simply 'old' or 'ancient.'"

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