happiness laziness sadness
Some words ending with IND are:behindbindblindfindgrindhindkindmindrescindrindtamarindwind
Some words ending in 'ics' are:athleticsballisticscriticsdomesticselasticsfabricsgraphicshieroglyphicsitalicskineticslinguisticsmathematicsneuroticsorthodonticsparamedicsquadriplegicsrelicsskepticsticsultrasonicsworkaholics
Some words ending in SOME are:awesomegruesomehandsomelonesomenoisomequarrelsometiresomewinsome
lonelyness faithfullness
sadness, happiness, dullness, hardness, sweetness, heaviness, lightness
loch ness inverness
dress, less, guess, lass, mass, mass without an m. All words ending in - ness, such as darkness, sadness, madness.
DungenessLoch NessSkegnessFoulness I.Shoeburynessand others ...
When applying suffixes to words ending in "y" preceded by a consonant, change the "y" to "i" before adding the suffix, unless the suffix begins with an "i." For example, "happy" becomes "happiness" (changing "y" to "i" before adding "ness").
There are no single words for the rhyme. You can only rhymes the last syllable:EmpressDepressmessblessconfessor words ending with: 'ness', 'less' etc... for example: heartless, pitiless, homeless, sadness, happiness... etcor just link to words likeMayan dressScion press
Firstly, Loch Ness is two words, not one. Loch is the Scottish word for lake and Ness is the name of the lake. Hence Loch Ness.
There are dozens of words that use the suffix ness. Some of these are stiffness, sickness, illness, harshness, and evasiveness.