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The word fortunate is an adjective form of the noun fortune (having fortune, meaning good fortune). It comes directly from the Latin past participle fortunatus.

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Q: Why is fortunate an adjective?
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Related questions

What is the comparative adjective for fortune?

The adjective is fortunate not fortune, fortune is a noun.comparative is more fortunatesuperlative is most fortunate

Is fortunate an adjective?

Fortunately is the adverb form of the adjective fortunate.

Is the word fortunate a noun or a verb?

neither It is an adjective.

Is the word fortunate a noun?

No, the word "fortunate" is an adjective, not a noun. It is used to describe someone who is lucky or in a favorable situation.

What is the noun for of opportune?

The word 'fortunate' is an abstract noun form; a word for one who has good fortune, such as great wealth or beauty. Fortunateness is the abstract noun form for the adjective fortunate.

What is the root word of fortunate?

The base word of 'fortunately' is 'fortune', from which the adjective 'fortunate' is derived; 'fortunately' is the inflection of 'fortunate' with 'ly' suffix to form an adverb.

What are other words that mean to be lucky?

The noun form of the adjective fortunate is fortunateness.The word fortunate is the adjective form of the noun fortune.The word 'fortunate' is also a noun form as a word for 'people who have good fortune'.example: The physically fortunate are more likely to get the starring roles.

Is the word fortunate a verb or a noun?

its an adjective... go to and look it up.

How do you spell furtinate?

The likely word is the adjective "fortunate" (lucky, having good fortune).

What are synonyms of the word lucky?

Fortunate, providential, auspicious, and fortuitous can all be synonyms for the adjective 'lucky.'

What is the definition of the word 'providential'?

Providential is an adjective to describe the intervention of something. Also, providential is a synonym to be lucky or fortunate in ones life, or adventure.

Is caring an adjective?

It can be an adjective. It can also be a verb. For that matter, it can be a noun. What a fortunate child to have such a caring mother. adjective Who is caring for the planet? verb Caring is a valued attribute of good friends. noun