It means to echo, such as sound. If you mean to ask why it occurs, it is because surface reflects the sound waves.
As a guess, imagine a recessed field and buildings or a pond on the other side. Some of the sound waves travel directly to the structures on the other side, while some take a longer path. Those that take the longer path take longer to bounce off the surface than those that go straight across. Sound can be delayed because gases (including air) can be compressed, and the more air sound has to travel through, the longer it takes to be heard.
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Repeat, copy, reverberation, parroting, rebound, answer...
Reverberation happens when reflections of a sound joins up with the original sound, so it seems prolonged. A reverberation is created from the reflecting surface when a sound is produced in an enclosed space causing a large number of echoes to build up and then slowly decay. Scroll down to related links and read "Reverberation - Wikipedia".
other word(s) for sound: * noise * clamor * din * uproar * racket * cacophony * disturbance * blare * blast * reverberation * thunder * roar * clatter * rumble
The past tense of "to occur" is occurred.
Occurred is the past tense conjugation of the verb occur.