The meaning of the word "party" which means "people on the same side" is much much older than the meaning of the word "party" which means "a gathering for recreation." Over four hundred years older. So your question is backwards.
The word "party" comes from the verb "to part", which means to divide. If a group of people are parted over a dipute into one group who is for and another group which was against, each side was called a party. The earliest use of the word in this sense comes from 1295. It is the meaning used when describing political groups, or litigants in a lawsuit, or people engaged in contracts. From this use it came to be used for groups of people in different situations (like work parties or hunting parties) until finally it was used (for the first recorded time, in 1716) to describe a group of people who joined together to have a good time. At first these were described as "parties of pleasure", but eventually they just became parties.
money given to parties or political groups in unlimited amounts
interest groups, rather than political parties, mobilize the majority of voters in an election.
Solidary Groups are groups that people join to respond to solidary incentives - the social rewards that lead people to join political organizations
Factions are opposing groups that challenge rule, order and power.
The decline of Progressivism as a US political movement came as the other major political groups adopted many of their platforms. The basis of progressivism was the advancement of both science and social awareness.
political parties
Political Party....or Political Parties
Interest groups focus on a specific policy where as political parties have a wider spectrum on their political agenda.
political parties- novanet :)
Answer this question… political parties.
A political
You need to specify in what COUNTRY (we get questions from several nations) In the US, it is the Democratic and Republican parties.
1st Political parties are normally much bigger with exception to the AARP. 2nd the main function of a political party is to win election so they can control the government, interest groups do not offer candidates themselves. Interest groups aim to influence the officials who are elected. 3rd interest groups are usually narrower in their focus than political parties. Finally, many interest groups are extremely ideological whereas the two parties are not.
A political