Some thought the women the character Zelda was based on in Tweak by Nic Sheff could be the actress Tatum O'Neal or the actress Tawny Kitaen (who appeared in Whitesnake videos in the 1980s).
TL stands for Tenderloin. It's a neighborhood in SF where a lot of homeless addicts end up
As of June 2014, Nic Sheff is still living a sober life. Nic writes his own blog about his sobriety.
Nic Sheff, the author, met Lauren originally in high school and dated briefly, but she was a senior and was rumored to have been a 'tweak', basically. They slept together for a few weeks during this time period. Five years later he meets her again in San Francisco after relapsing once again into drug use. Lauren is a fellow addict as well and the pair have a very tumultuous relationship that leans towards codependent frequently.
NIC stands for Network Interface Controller.
...and pretend to have some semblance of control. But control was something i'd lost a long time ago. "As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are - what otehrs say is irrelevant." "And though I have done many shameful things, I am not ashamed of who I am. I am not ashamed of who I am because I know who I am. I have tried to rip myself open and expose everything inside - accepting my weaknesses and strengths - not trying to be anyone else.'Cause that never works, does it?
Nic Sheff himself.
Nic Sheff lived in San Francisco.
Vicki Sheff
Vicki Sheff-Cahan, writer at People magazine. Her husband, the stepfather that Nic writes disparagingly about, is Christopher Sykes Cahan.
I think it is Lala (Zappa) Sloatman. She was an actress before, and she now does costume wardrobe work just like in the book. She is 14 years older than Nic, and her ex-husband was Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes.
July 20th, 1982 His father says so in Beautiful Boy.
Nic Sheff is the author of Tweak: Growing Up On Methamphetamines. He was born on July 20, 1982 in San Francisco, California.
Nic Sheff is a writer and recovering drug addict. He is the author of Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines, and We All Fall Down: Living with Addiction.
Nic Sheff is the author of the bestselling books Tweakand We All Fall Down, books that detail his addiction to crystal meth and heroin and his subsequent relapses.
It has to be Lala Sloatman. Everything I have searched on her fits perfectly with Nic's "Zelda." Also, the "soft core porn" that she stars in when they are watching late-night Cinemax would be the movie Net Games.Also in Tweak, Nic says that Zelda's father has all these Marine tattoos. Lala's father was in the Marines. At his work, Nic's coworker says how Zelda's famous cousin is her friend--lots of famous Zappas. There is Nic's description of the clothes that he was wearing when he went into rehab after going on a run with Zelda (bellbottoms, looking like a rock star, etc.). All clothes belonging to Zelda's ex. Chris Robinson dresses exactly like that, and Nic has the same kind of look as Robinson: long hair, skinny, etc., so it makes sense that she would hook up with him.
TL stands for Tenderloin. It's a neighborhood in SF where a lot of homeless addicts end up
As of June 2014, Nic Sheff is still living a sober life. Nic writes his own blog about his sobriety.